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Posture related issues in the workplace result in 34% of all lost workday injuries and illnesses.

U.S. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH ADMIN. Ergonomics: The Study of Work, OSHA 3125

Non-neutral postures can pull and stretch tendons, blood vessels, and nerves over ligaments or bone where they can become pinched or restricted.

U.S. DEPT OF LABOR OSHA FACT SHEET Laboratory Safety Ergonomics for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders. FS-3462 8/2018

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Spinal joint dysfunction affects brain response, accuracy and performance. Lersa LB, The relationship between spinal dysfunction and reaction time measures.

JMPT Sept 2005 502-507

Workers compensation studies in multiple states indicate a 45-55% savings in overall cost when treatments are provided by a chiropractor instead of a traditional practitioner.


42.7% of workers who first saw a surgeon ended up in surgery as opposed to 1.5% of those who first saw a chiropractor.

The Spine journal - Keeney B. Early predictors of lumbar spine surgery after occupational back injury: 2013 May

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The most recent and better designed studies suggest that when Chiropractic is utilised in the workplace, it not only reduces the immediate cost of an episode of care, but reduces the recurrence of subsequent bouts of chronic conditions.

JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE Manuel Cifuentes, MD, Maintenance Care in WorkRelated Low Back Pain, March 14, 2011; Vol. 197

Dr. Ryno Tope is a Doctor of Chiropractic, a member of the New Zealand Chiropractic Association, and owner of Structural Chiropractic in Hastings, Hawke’s Bay. Dr. Tope focuses on an area of chiropractic called Structural Correction and has been in practice for 6 years. You can reach Dr. Tope at or 06•651•1004. You can also follow the Structural Chiropractic Facebook page (
