Photo (Michael Dorausch)
At least 80% of Kiwi’s will at some point suffer from back pain. Millions of dollars are lost on sick days or lost work time annually. While it is true that thousands of people go to Chiropractors across the country everyday for back pain, many of who find relatively quick and affordable relief, the real benefits of Chiropractic care are the long term ones.
The fact is, some of those people would have experienced relief at some point whether they received Chiropractic care or not. For some, massage, acupuncture, hot/cold therapy or exercise might have been equally effective. Others would probably have felt better in time with no treatment at all. Unfortunately, what seems to work today may not work tomorrow. For many years it was suggested to spend two weeks in bed for back pain. Today it is commonly understood that more than two days of bed rest can often make back pain worse.
We realise now that as the muscles that support the spine are not used, they become weaker and less able to do their job. The variety in what constitutes effective treatment can partially be explained by the fact that the causes of back pain are as varied as the sufferers themselves. Eighty percent of all low-back pain originates in the muscles, ligaments or disks. Some pain is caused by sheer overuse of muscles, whether it is by repeated use or by asking a muscle to do more than it is capable of in a single situation.
Some back pain is caused by joint conditions--inflammation, arthritis or degeneration. Another leading cause of back pain is the herniated disk. However, interestingly enough, 20-30% of people with herniated disks and back pain actually have discomfort for a reason other than the disk condition. This is noteworthy inasmuch as many of these people go on to have surgery for the disk, which is not the cause of their pain. Still, other pain is caused by unrelated disease in the back area such as kidney or digestive problems or even cancer.
So, with the variety of causes of back pain, you may be wondering how any one thing can be effective. For example, how aspirin works to relieve pain is yet unknown. If we don’t know that, how can we know that there is not a less toxic or even cheaper means by which we can do the same thing? Or for that matter, how can we know that this unknown mechanism is not harmful to the body in some significant way? While Chiropractic is not a treatment for bad backs, it is good for the overall health of the body. Chiropractic adjustments clear up the communication between your brain and body leading to less accidents, better function and a healthier you.
Whenever you do anything that is good for your overall health, your whole body benefits. When you get a good night’s sleep, you are more energetic, more coordinated and more clear minded. Exercise, diet and rest obviously play a significant role in lessening back pain, not because they are effective treatments, but because they are good for the body.
They promote health.
Likewise, while back pain may improve under Chiropractic care, it is not because Chiropractic is good for bad backs. Chiropractic is good for your whole body. So, have your spine checked regularly whether you have back pain or not.
You’ll love the results!
If you know of any friends that can benefit from these ideas, please share with them on facebook.
Have a Fantastic day!