

It is that time of year again! I know you have seen them. They􀀀 are everywhere! People rubbing their eyes, sneezing, sniffling􀀀 and complaining. Some of them deny it saying, “I do not have􀀀 allergies,” or, “I never had allergies before” and many others􀀀 just try to grin and bear it.

Knowingly or not, more than 20%􀀀 of New Zealanders suffer from allergies. The culprits in these most annoying􀀀 conditions (i.e., the allergen) include some of the most ordinary􀀀 things, such as cats, dogs, grass, dust, pollen, nickel-􀀀coated earrings and buttons, insects and insect stings. I once met􀀀 someone who told me they were allergic to air. I imagine if you are􀀀 allergic to dust you might as well be allergic to air.􀀀  

Despite the variety of substances that an individual can or may􀀀be allergic to, all allergies result from the same basic cause: an􀀀 immune system that is unable to distinguish between the harmful􀀀 and the friendly.

This is an extremely important point.

Many people􀀀 have the misconception that it is the dust or the pollen (the allergen)􀀀 that causes the allergic reaction. It is not! It is the body’s inability􀀀 to adapt to the allergen that is the problem!!! If pollen was the􀀀 problem, everyone would have allergic symptoms in the presence􀀀 of pollen, and that is not the case. Rather, it is the body’s inability􀀀 to adapt to the allergen that is the problem.􀀀

For example, an article in the newspaper noted􀀀 that the pollen count was almost 50 times above􀀀 what is considered normal to the Clean Air Council.  The purpose of the article was to provide􀀀 readers with tips on how to control allergic reactions, all of which boiled down to avoiding the􀀀 allergen. The article noted that the high levels had caused reactions􀀀 in people who had never experienced them before. At first glance,􀀀 this might seem to suggest that indeed it is the pollen that is the􀀀 cause of allergies. However, as long as there are still people who􀀀 do not develop symptoms in the presence of these unusually high levels of pollen, then pollen is not the cause.􀀀

 You see, everyone is born with a certain potential for adapting to􀀀 pollen (as well as to every other allergen), and some have a greater􀀀 potential to adapt than others. For those who express no symptoms when􀀀 in the presence of high concentrations of specific allergens, it is because􀀀 their bodies are working the way they should. Their bodies do not see􀀀 pollen as harmful (which it is not) and consequently, do not declare war􀀀 on it by trying to rush it out of the body by either sneezing or washing􀀀 tears across the eyes. More importantly, while everyone is born with a􀀀 different potential to adapt to allergens, some may have the potential to􀀀 adapt but are not fully expressing it because of interference in their􀀀 nervous systems caused by vertebral subluxations (a structural shift in the bones of your spine causing nerve interference/pressure).

The medical world admits that the best way to treat any allergy is􀀀 to avoid the allergens that cause it, but how does one avoid air or dust.􀀀  We suggest that one of the best things you can do for allergies is to be􀀀 under regular Chiropractic care so your nervous system is free from interference so your body can􀀀 work at its highest potential to recognise what is harmful and what is􀀀 not.

If you know of any friends that can benefit from these ideas, please share with them by email or Facebook.

Have a fantastic day!

