
Structural Vs Traditional Chiropractic

As you navigate through this site you will notice that our practice is quite different compared to the ‘traditional’ chiropractor, as such this necessitates a website that has unique functions in place that are specifically designed to demonstrate our professional services while providing you with a step-by-step informative journey.


Structural Vs Traditional Chiropractic

As you navigate through this site you will notice that our practice is quite different compared to the ‘traditional’ chiropractor, as such this necessitates a website that has unique functions in place that are specifically designed to demonstrate our professional services while providing you with a step-by-step informative journey.

Structural Vs Traditional Chiropractic

Your spine is your foundation.  How strong is yours.

Your spine is your foundation.  How strong is yours.

Traditional Chiropractors have the following goals:

  • Decreasing Muscle Spasm

  • Increasing Range of Motion

  • Reducing Pain

This is what many Chiropractors offer in the way of care, and I believe they are great at what they do.   This type of care falls under the umbrella of what we call symptom relief/management.

Unlike traditional Chiropractic we focus on structural correction of the spine, using Specific Chiropractic Corrections, Neurological Re-Patterning and Joint-To-Joint Mobility.

Think of your spine as the foundation for a house, a shift in the foundation would result in a change in the entire structure the a house. As a result you will eventually end up with a crack in the wall or doors that don't open.

Now you can spend time patching all the damage, but you would be doing so with the expectation that in a short time the problems will have to be…..?

….Repaired Again….and Again….

And suddenly instead of achieving a true correction, we’re relying on chiropractic like a natural (and sometimes expensive) aspirin.

Normal Structure

Get Back to Normal!

Rather than constantly repairing damage, we’ve chosen to correct the underlying Foundation and help your spine reach Normal Structure.

Of course our services aren’t for everyone.  However, if you are tired of constantly patching the problem and you’re looking for a long term solution that you can both feel AND see for yourself, then we may be the right place for you.  Once your foundation has been corrected, then we’ll teach you how to keep it that way through customised recommendations designed for your spine.


What Is A Structural Shift?

What Is A Structural Shift?

What is a Structural Shift?

Normal Structure

In healthcare, there are established normal values for many things.  There’s a standard for normal blood pressure, normal cholesterol, and normal vision.  It doesn’t mean that we expect everyone to have a PERFECT measure, but there are healthy ranges for people depending on their age and situation.

As Structural Chiropractors we are looking for a significant three-dimensional shift of the spine away from normal.  Normal spinal motion is a requirement for normal brain and nervous system function, so a structural shift in the spine interferes with the function of the nervous system.

Easy to Understand

Every single cell, tissue and organ in your body receives either a direct nerve supply or is under control of the central nerve system via chemical messengers produced by glands and other cells. In short, every function within the body is regulated through the nerve system – sleep, energy, digestion, healing and repair, strength, stamina, reproduction, immune system function, concentration, focus, cognition, and millions more. What would happen if there is an obstruction to this Brain – Body Connection?

The role of a Structural Chiropractor is to address this interference in all people, regardless of what disease or symptom you have.

This applies to infants, children, pregnant moms, athletes and seniors – in short, anyone who is pursuing an extraordinary life needs to maintain the integrity of the Brain – Body Connection.

Contrary to popular belief, chiropractic is not just for people who have a symptom or condition. Chiropractic as we practice is for those people who have a spine and nerve system and a desire to be healthier than they currently are or have dreams of reaching their full potential.

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Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment


What Are Secondary Conditions?

What Are Secondary Conditions?

What are Secondary Conditions?

How strong is your foundation

In a world where there are many different therapies and treatments for many different secondary conditions (symptoms), Structural Chiropractic is unique.  Structural Chiropractic is not a specific treatment for any Secondary Condition or disease, but rather it focuses on the primary problem of improving nervous system function by correcting structural shifts in the spine.

When you have a Structural Shift obstructing the communication between your brain and your body and placing abnormal stress on your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and discs it can eventually develop into what we refer to as  SECONDARY CONDITIONS or symptoms.

The reason we call these symptoms SECONDARY CONDITIONS is because they are a result of, as you might have guessed, a PRIMARY CONDITION or an underlying cause.  Some of these SECONDARY CONDITIONS include:

  • Leg Pain

  • Arm Pain

  • Mid back pain

  • Low back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Headaches

It is important to note however that even though a Structural Shift may play a role in the aspects of our health that we may be aware of or feel it most likely affects our health in ways that we aren't even aware of.

If I was to ask you how important is the brain to the function and health of your body.  What would you say?.... VITAL!

Clearing up the communication between your brain and your body through specific structural adjustments leads to better function less accidents and a healthier you. We all know being healthy is more than just being symptom free, being healthy to us means...


If you are in the Hawke’s Bay area, contact our office to set up a free consultation to meet with one of our Chiropractors to learn how we can help.

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Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment


What Do I Need To Know Before My Examination?

What Do I Need To Know Before My Examination?

Following a Complimentary Consultation, you will be given the opportunity to undergo a comprehensive structural Chiropractic examination.  This exam will be thoroughly performed by one of our Chiropractors to identify the nature of your Structural Shift.  The exam will include:

  • Health History and clarifying your goals for your own and your families health

  • Digital Structural Analysis

  • Structural Thermography study

  • aOS Analysis

  • Full Functional Movement Assessment assessing 32 functional movements of the spine and body.

  • Advanced Spinal Palpation.

***Please be prepared to dress appropriately for the examination. It is required that you have athletic/gym shorts available for accurate structural assessment.

After the examination, if a Structural Shift has been confirmed, a follow up conference to review the results will be scheduled.  The Chiropractor will discuss the nature of your specific Structural Shifts, their effect on the nervous system, care options, and deliver your first structural correction.

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Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment


What Are My Treatment Options?

What Are My Treatment Options?

What Are My Treatment Options?

Getting to know your options, is very important…

We will never claim to speak on the behalf of other professions or Chiropractors. We will always do our best to explain your options as it relates to your care. We will provide you with objective information so that you are able to make a decision on what is best for YOU and YOUR health as well as the health of your family.

If you decide to look elsewhere for a solution to your health challenges, we will support you as a health and family wellness resource. Aside from being great at what we do structurally, one of our aims is to both educate and serve our community. As busy as we are, we are never too busy to help.​

Our Chiropractors have built excellent relationships with the best health care providers throughout the community.  If during the consultation they find that Structural Chiropractic isn’t right for you, we will make sure to find the best practitioner to help resolve your specific condition.

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Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment


What Can Structural Chiropractic Do For Me?

What Can Structural Chiropractic Do For Me?

What can Structural Chiropractic do for me?

As Structural Chiropractors our focus will be on a thorough structural correction of your spine.  The precise nature our adjustments allows for maximum acceptance and ease of structural alignment. 

We also utilise post Correction examination and scans to verify that the body is structurally aligned and the nervous system is functioning properly.  By correcting the structure of the spine, it removes pressure from the nervous system, clearing up the communication between your brain and body, leading to better function less accidents and a healthier you.

We realise that some people are only looking for temporary relief, or a patch to their secondary conditions, and there’s nothing wrong with that. There are no shortages of professionals who provide this type of service, and we’ll be happy to direct you in the ones we trust.  

We find that those who seek out our services are those looking for a long term solution to maximising their health and wellbeing, and that is what we are here to provide.

This is done with a customised and comprehensive plan of care and providing the tools to help keep your structure intact.

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Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment


How Do I Work With A Structural Chiropractor?

How Do I Work With A Structural Chiropractor?

Schedule A Complimentary Consultation

We believe you should have an opportunity to discover if our practice is right for you. In addition, we believe that you should make this discovery without any pressure or gimmicks. It is these beliefs that our practice members find refreshing when first visiting our office.

During your consultation two things will happen:

1.      We will get to know you and your health concerns as well as your health goals.

2.      You will get to know us and how our unique approach may help you.

If you feel we are the right fit for your situation, and if we determine you are a candidate for our unique approach to care, you will have the opportunity to proceed with a complete Structural Chiropractic Examination, either after your consultation or at your convenience on a future date.

We understand our office is not for everyone. If our office is not the right fit for your situation or if we feel we cannot help, then we will refer you to the proper specialist to address your health concerns. Once again, there is no charge for our consultation.

To schedule your appointment call 06•651•1004  or fill in the online booking form below:

Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment


I Just Want To TALK With The Doctor!!

I Just Want To TALK With The Doctor!!

If you would like to schedule a complimentary consultation with the doctor, please call 06•651•1004 or fill-out the form below.

Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment